DAY ONE: And so it has begun...
Can you believe it! this is my first ever experiment with Blogger and I call myself a Net Junkie. Hopefully by the end of this study I will be a fully verifed Net Geek.
My aim of this blog its to track down my thoughts about my thesis is a sort of diary-esque format. I have never kept a diary in my life! With most things that I do, I get sick of it in bout 2 weeks! So this will be a challenge. All in the name of ACADEMIA is say!!!
Any hows, I am in the midst of setting up a wiki, a myspace, a youtube and a flickr account. And Im trying to see if the design specifications of each type will enable me to communicate and interact in a personal and visual way, or any other modes for that matter.
Furthermore, I aim to see, if I can link all this identities together to create a unified identity, from all the distinctive features that each format may have to offer. Mayb even giving suggestions on how I can make the facilities or the design specifications a little more better. Once again, this is a huge challenge for me, cos I always considered me-self a more a pen and paper sort of dude, but oh wellz, nuffin ventured nuffin gained...
As it has already wasted 30 minutes in just refinding my username and password of this blog to make today's entry. It has been made obvious to me that time is of the essence here. I notice my sentence structure has been truncated to appear more susscint (yeah, I kno wat ur thinkin, Wat he actually has more to rattl on about) and I also notice that I try where I can, to save on typing speed, like using phonetic spelling and missing letters. (Sorry of any future spelling errors in advance)
Hopefully time will be on my side, As my passion as always been my guide ;-p
- Although its took my ages to resend my username and password to my email, I did find the process and navigation logical and easy to follow.
- I am so loving this format of creating posts. It is so much like Word, and I use word alot to write in. I must admit, alot of times I cut'n'paste text from other software into Word, so I can use the spell checker. It is so handy! Im sure most other software I use has this function but I have still yet to be desparate enough to figure out where it is.
- I get a strange familiarity with this layout, since I use word, I feel like I have used it (blogger) b4, the justifying of paragraphs, the bulleting, the spell checker, its customising of colours, and so working in this designed format, I seem to be taking to it like a duck to water. - But where's the option to create tables, or to make drawings with a sytlus , or mayb speech activated commands. Just a suggestion.
- Spark! So wen designers redesigning, keeping in mind already established and tested formats seems imperitive in revising a design style.
- Ooh! I love the feature of the keyboard shortcuts at the bottom - very logical.
- I just wish that their was an easy option to attach gifs, or emoticons, or pix (Oops! u can add pix) in with this text. Like mayb how msn allows, and email.
- I was just trying to navigat back from my preview of my posting, and I almost clik on going 'back' in the browser. This would have really screwd me up! So what did I learn: Too many options offered to the users is immensly confusing, esp. wen time is so important and descisions are made quick fast!
- Hey! the spell checker doesnt work! Back to cuttin-n-pastin in Word! Oh fudge, the Word program just crashd, I better save this entry B4 more unaccountd computer errors befall me!
[This posting took me bout an hour to finalize. Im very new to online 'publishing' and being an obessive compulsive that always seems to screw things up doesnt help. So re-reading and editing this post at least 3 times seems, TO ME!, the logical thing to do to make a post I am happy with - Also, this dirty old geezr of a computer tech, helpin out a buxom blonde design student talkin at the top of his shrill voice isnt helping me wif my concentration either. -OK! WE GET IT! PHOTOSHOP ALLOWS U 2 DO LAYERS!
Have u ever had that problem....anyone?]
Have u ever had that problem....anyone?]
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