Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

zOOMr.... . zOOMd out!!!

Following a hunch when on Flickr last Tuesday, I found out about the NIPSA issue doing the rounds (refer to FICKR: from NRML 2 NIPSA).
From there I took the advice of user, Thom Hawk, to check out Zoomr, which as explaind by Thom, doesnt have a NIPSA policy and its practically the same at Flickr and so I opened a free account.
One week one, I havent touchd it. I guess cos Im already established a user page in Flickr, and everytime zoomr comes up with some new facility, so does flickr with similiar nue features, and flickr has a bigger online communnity, so Flickr's pros, out-do its cons.(for now, Im still not feeling this whole NIPSA bull)

Sorry Zoomr.....Zoomd out



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