Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

SON OF A B****H!!! 27/10

Originally uploaded by Chasing SandCastles.
In the one month I had from leaving Disney, to beginning Uni, I took a holiday, and decided to go on a health kik. BUT as the stress of deadline grew nearer, and the comfort food eating had begun, I gained bak all my wieght plus some! Thats wat u get folks if u wanna be intelligent but u aint got the smarts. U lock urself in a room, and stare at a screen, while u sweat from from all the typing and the lamp heat, that ur arm pits begin to smell like rust, UNTIL U GET IT, OR GET IT AS MUCH AS U CAN!

It bettr be worth it . . .. . all the excess weight, the oily screen, the dying muscles, the falling hair, the black eye bags, the yellow teeth, the lack fo sleep, the growing voices in ur head from the months of isolation. .. . . Or you can think of it this way, Now I can make a COMEBACK!

Oh! I can imagine the Hype now. ... .


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