So I guess Life begins at 24...
So I am 24, wow time flies. And I am not exactly where I thought I would be. A lil depressing, but not enough to get this NEW JON down.
By now, I thought I would be successful, traveling the world, thin and beautiful. But it seems I still have a while to go.
All Ive seen is procrastination, broken dreams and at time, broken spirits. But I am a fighter, I and strangely after all my short-comings and days of fear and doubt. I know more about who I am, more likely now than ever, to NOT TAKE BULLSHIT. and still very hungey to succeed in my like and make a difference.
Before, careerwise, I saw working towards it, as a sense of sacrifice, a scarifice of time, of spending time with friends, a sacrifice of enjoyment. But increasingly so, Im seeing things as a real opening for OPPORTUNITY. I am now longer bound by time and deadline, Ive failed already, Ive lost my way, I become normal, talentless, a now I have nothing to lose, I only have my integrity to REGAIN.
I know deep down I never gave up, I just suppressed and wallowed in my own self pity. It not too late I remind myself, I still young, and better yet, I HAVE LEARNED SO MUCH FROM LIFES EXPERIENCES, AND PEOPLE IVE MET ALONG THE WAY.
What Ive learnt is that there is so more to life than winning....All my life, I grew accustomed to success, I became blind-sighted by such good fortune. This made me naive to the possibility that this ;uck would never end.....but now I can truly say that, although I was a winner, I never became a leader until I lost.
So I guess its true, looking forward into the light of a new year, a new chapter, that Life....really begins at 24!
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