Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Becoming a Deviant: Step 1

From the NIPSA forums from Flickr, I came across a site for graphic art called Deviant Art. So I decided to join, post some work up and hope for feed back, since I was lacking in any activity on Flickr.
At the time I took these pix, I had just become a member, and still very much a virgin to being ever so deviant.
There had just been too much to do with my project, thinking backwards in trying to create a timeline of key technologies, thinking ahead, by looking out for any patterns in future Web 2.0 developmetns, and staying in the present, by revamping my literature review so that it now fits within a design oroentated framework. OVERLOAD, OVERLOAD, OVERLOAD!!!
I just quickly ran thru its features, it lookd promising and I was intrigued to how it differed from the online community @ Flickr.


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