Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Technorati Celebrati 15/9

I found some time, and decided to check out the fuss on technorati.

It was simple. to work thru the steps. I began by choosing a blog I wantd to claim, in this instance, it is the one u r currently reading.

Then, I had to fill in a profile for my blog for the technorati database. N-I-O-C-E!

And after all the steps to verify ur blog, u get a code to cut'n'paste into the template of ur blog, and that where the fun really begins.

It creates a sorta 'word search engine' within ur blog, so u can keyword relevant words within a blog. Making a god-send option to blog users, as it helps to quickly judge the relevance of ur blog in terms of a user's search.

Another cool factor is, my blog gets links to technorati's main database of blogs and if a search for words in done within technorati, it will offer my blog as a recomendation if the users kewords/terms have been written in my blog. bRILLANT!

Hopefully this option well make my blog more accessible to the mass and on the flip side, as a blogger, make my search of finding other bloggers with similiar interests, that little more within reach.,
as the saying goes, 'No man is an island... . . '


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