How to build a laptop stand . . . McGuyver style
Step 1:
Find 2 yellow/white pages lying around the doesnt matter which year, but it will help if the are both the same width.
hint: I found mine lying outside my house, it must have been dropd there wen they came out, and no1 at home was botherd to put it inside.
Now find a binder folder, hopefully one that no one is using, and place it on top of the 2 yellow pages which form the base of the stand while the folder will form the incline of the stand. Make sure that the binder end of the folder is face away from you, so that the lap=top will form a forwarding slant to the typer.
Now this is the most important step, find some spare blue tack somewhere, anywhere, enough to make two 1cm balls of it. I found some on old posters, in a box I have on top of my wardrobe.
Now your lap-top stand is almost done, u can place it on the binder folder now, find a position where it feels stable on it, and get ur blu tak ready.
Now with the lap-top in a stabl position, get ur rolled blu tak balls and put it underneath the base corners of ur laptop closest to you (on the lower end of the lap-top incline). Now slightly put pressure on the laptop so that the blu tak squishes into the yellow pages base. This is to stop your lap-top from slipping off the stand.
And now your done! Viola!!!
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