Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Everyday, found work in play

Originally uploaded by Chasing SandCastles.
Last week, work wise was a mess! Back-n-fro-ing between where my project was at the moment, to trying it to get refocused to a more design focus, required a revamp of my past research plus, reading of all new text all together!
That it was a mishmash of texts and nots flying everywhere. Trying to find some about how key technologies evolved, trying to find text about where they are now, and predicted directions of it. So my state of mind was in the past. the present and the future all at once.
It has been sucha mess since, the yr that I left my thesis, the field I was studying (youth culture and communication) went in a totally different direction from what I had predicted. I should have had their chronology of key technologies, and a definition of our current state last semester and just have my investigation and future outcomes this semester, BUT NO!!! I've been in a perpetual state of catch-up!
To be able to find the time to put in the extra yards, I had need to bring in my study and researching into my down-time. So I would be studying whilst eating, studying during the commercials on TV, thinking about my project wen listening to music of out with my friends, even, hehehehe, running my focus constantly while lathering my hair in the shower. Work'n'play has almost blurred into one this week, I almost cannot distinguish where one began, or the other has ended.....the days have blurred into this one constant routine of falling a sleep, waking up, studying in a constant state of apprehensive excitement, just to fall asleep again and start all over.



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