Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Goodbye to Yestadai

Originally uploaded by Chasing SandCastles.
One month! ONE MONTH! of non-stop living and breathing this project. Its been many things, good and bad, happy and sad (sorry stevi). Rite now my mood is, I just wanna get it done. but theres also a part of me (I suspect is just having a nap rite now) that’s also wants to make sure that he was it done rite.

Gruelling, is probably how I would some up this month. But, on a lighter side, I have learned so much, and honed skills, that as a desgner u really need to have by now.

The project is finally beginning to take shape.

No that I kno where i should be facing, its time to run all the way till the end.



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