Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The first of many bad omens 31/10

DSCN2822 31/10
Originally uploaded by Chasing SandCastles.
Today my favorite pacer broke. I used it when I applied for Disney (in which I got accepted) and it was a memento from my highschool days. I was sooo attached to it, its my favorite pacer, it was my lucky pacer and it broke, and with it, I felt that part of my spirit broke too.

Panic began to sink in, as I realized that now I must deal without this notion of luck on my side. I felt a sea-change beginning to brew in me, a new strength not brought on from some value in superstition, but rather from a belief in myself. I can do it. It was me all along, not the pacer. I began to believe that. .. .I had to believe that.


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