Bloggings about what I consume.....and what consumes me.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

When ur blinded by uncertainty, its ur faith that brings u home. . .. 30/10

DSCN2815 30/10
Originally uploaded by Chasing SandCastles.
Since I was already at Hyde Park, I decided to go to church to give thanx. I beleive in God, but I do not force my beliefs onto others, to each their own I say.

I haven't attended church in a while, for the past few months my church has been my bedroom and my alter, was my computer. Argh! thinks feel so suffocating at the moment, but I dont blame anyone or wallow in self pity in bad situations. I see them as a test of character, bad situations dont necessary result it bad conclusions, its up to us to rise above, find the strength inside, or change our perspective on things, these experiences are brought upon us not to kill us, but to make us grow, and become stronger from it.

This reminds me of a saying I wrote as part of my yr. 12 art major project, and that is "from the ashes of a dying phoenix is another phoenix reborn". And I believe that, I have to believe that.

Things will turn out alrite,


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